What other benefits will I get?

» HEALTH INSURANCE: If you are determined eligible for SSI, you will automatically be eligible for MassHealth Standard health care coverage. You do not need to file a separate application.

» SNAP FOOD STAMPS: SSI recipients usually qualify for SNAP food stamps. If you live in a household where everyone is applying for or receiving SSI, you may apply for SNAP food stamps at the Social Security office. Otherwise, you must apply at the Division of Transitional Assistance.

» FUEL ASSISTANCE: SSI recipients may apply for fuel assistance during the heating season.

» SSP SPECIAL BENEFITS: SSP Special Benefits may pay for moving expenses if you move within

the state, or pay for replacement items if things you own are destroyed in a natural disaster or fire. To apply, contact the Department of Transitional Assistance.

» BURIAL EXPENSES: You may receive up to $1,100 for burial expenses for SSI recipients who do not have resources to pay toward these expenses. The total cost of the burial cannot be greater than $1,500. No additional services or payments can be obtained or provided above the $1,500 maximum burial expense, regardless of payor.

Last updated