Types of Coverage:

MASSHEALTH STANDARD health insurance coverage is automatically provided to SSI recipients. This coverage type offers a full range of health care benefits. Young people who are not on SSI may apply separately for MassHealth Standard.

MASSHEALTH COMMONHEALTH is for adults, young adults, and children with disabilities who are not eligible for MassHealth Standard. There is no income limit for MassHealth CommonHealth. If your monthly income before taxes and deductions is above 100% of the federal poverty level, you may have to pay a premium,* or meet a one-time-only deductible.

MASSHEALTH COMMONHEALTH FOR WORKING ADULTS covers adults ages 18 through 64 who are over the income limit for MassHealth Standard but meet the same disability standards and work at least 40 hours per month. CommonHealth covers most of the same benefits as the MassHealth Standard program. CommonHealth Working members pay a monthly premium* that increases as their income goes up. There are NO income or asset limits for the CommonHealth Working program.

MASSHEALTH/KAILEIGH MULLIGAN allows certain children with significant disabilities under age 18 to live at home with their parents and have MassHealth eligibility determined without counting the income and assets of their parents. This program ENDS at age 18. Other MassHealth programs must be applied for at age 18 to maintain coverage as a young adult.

Last updated