Adult Services
Participant-directed Supports Program {#participant-directed-supports-program}
Some individuals wish to have choice and control over all aspects of their service delivery, including decisions about how their Department of Developmental Services (DDS) funds are used to support them. This
involves finding and hiring support staff, managing an individual DDS budget, and working with a financial management service to process invoices and payments.
For these people, participant direction may be an option to consider. Individuals may do this with the help of family, a guardian, friends, and their DDS service coordinator/support broker.
This self-directed support model is referred to as the Participant-Directed Program. There are guidelines that must be observed, although great efforts have been made to preserve the flexibility and creativity that this model affords. The individual determines what supports will be provided based on specific needs identified in the Individual Support Plan (ISP).
The participant-directed model offers the following key components:
» Works in full partnership with the individual/guardian to customize a support arrangement that will meet the individual’s needs, and to develop an individualized budget. This includes assistance with the hiring process: developing job descriptions, creating interview questions, supporting worker recruitment, and negotiating wages.
» Assists with the online registration and credentialing process for new workers.
» Takes full responsibility for drafting and revising the individual’s budget.
» Assists the individual in monitoring the budget/spending so the individual will know if spending of DDS funds is as planned. Helps make adjustments to stay within the budget as necessary/directed.
» Supports the individual with making changes to the budget as often as necessary, in accordance with changing needs.
DDS contracts with Public Partnerships (PPL) to provide this service:
» Responsible for processing completed employee registration, credentialing, and paperwork to help the individual hire support staff.
» Assists in the financial management and accountability of the individual’s DDS resource allocation, and assumes employer fiscal responsibility (e.g., payroll, taxes, worker’s compensation).
» Processes payroll as well as payment for specialized services and goods.
» Provides a monthly financial report, as well as real-time online access to review the individual’s budget.
Transition Information Fact Sheet No. 16
Transition Information Fact Sheet No. 16
Agency With Choice Program: Co-Directed Supports
Some individuals wish to have shared responsibility in selecting their support people and directing the day-to-day activities of their staff. For these people, the Agency With Choice model of support may be an option to consider.
Individuals who choose this support model will have an individual budget allocation for the purchase of services to meet their needs. The individual/family/guardian is able to identify the people they wish to employ with the support of an agency to assist in the hiring process, payroll management, and other related tasks.
The Agency With Choice program offers the following:
» A co-employment model in which the agency serves as the employer, partnering with the individual/family/guardian to help train and manage staff. This enables the individual/family/ guardian to serve as the managing employer.
» The agency agrees to interview, hire, and negotiate a pay rate for the person or people the individual/family/guardian identifies to provide support, subject to agency personnel policies.
» The individual/family/guardian has responsibility for daily supervision of workers, as well as the decision to no longer use a particular worker.
» If the individual/family/guardian chooses to discharge a particular worker, that person may continue to work for the agency in a different capacity if the agency chooses.
» The agency assumes responsibility for paying workers identified and hired. This includes withholding, filing, and paying federal and state income and employment taxes, as well as providing a worker’s compensation policy.
» The agency provides the individual with a monthly financial report so the individual is aware that spending is occurring as planned and can make adjustments if necessary.
» Service options within the co-directed Agency With Choice program model include:
Adult Companion Services
Individualized Home Supports
Individualized Day Supports
Family Training
Peer Support
Behavioral Support and Consultation
Family Service Navigation
Financial Assistance
Transition Information Fact Sheet No. 17
Transition Information Fact Sheet No. 17
Employment First Initiative
Over the past several years, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has been working on an Employment First initiative. This is a plan to expand integrated employment for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and to phase out center-based/sheltered workshop services.
DDS is working with day and employment providers to get more full-time and part-time jobs for the people we serve. One primary reason for this is the expressed preference of many individuals and their families for competitive employment opportunities.
As of January 1, 2014, no new referrals can be made to sheltered workshop programs. DDS’s goal is that the sheltered workshop model will be phased out by June 30, 2016. Individuals currently served in sheltered workshop situations will transition to individual or group supported employment, or to community-based day services. DDS is committed to supporting individuals during non-work hours in needed day services in a manner that maintains stability for families.
The DDS transition coordinator will plan with the individual and family to identify the most appropriate employment and day options available when the individual graduates. Typically, this requires a team approach, with all team members contributing toward a successful outcome.
Some individuals and families may craft a unique employment option, or may combine several models to create a meaningful experience. The option at graduation is a first step, and may evolve as the individual has different experiences and continues to develop and grow.
Last updated
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