Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
What is the Supports Intensity Scale?
The Supports Intensity Scale® (SIS) is a person-centered assessment for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It is an individualized assessment, using a positive, strength-based approach, which provides a way to measure the types of supports individuals will need in their daily life.
The SIS is used across the country and around the world, and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is beginning to implement it here in Massachusetts. The assessment is administered by certified assessors, and is statistically established, reliable, valid, and fair.
Who receives a SIS assessment?
At this time, individuals found newly eligible for DDS with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Prader-Willi, or Smith- Magenis will be contacted in order to participate in a SIS assessment. In addition, individuals with intellectual disability who will be transitioning from special education to adult services may also be contacted to participate in a SIS assessment.
How is the SIS assessment administered?
A SIS assessment is conducted by a specially trained DDS SIS assessor, and should include least two people (respondents) who know a great deal about the individual’s daily support needs. The individual being assessed is encouraged to attend, and may serve as a respondent if he or she is able. It is best if respondents are from diverse areas of the individual’s life, such as one family member and one professional.
The SIS assessment takes place at a location that provides privacy and is mutually agreed upon by those involved. The assessment can take up to three hours to complete.
What kinds of questions will be asked?
Topics relate to quality of life, and include medical and behavioral supports, home and community living, social activities, lifelong learning, employment, health, safety, and protection and advocacy.
The focus of the assessment is to identify what supports the individual would need to successfully take part in all activities, as compared to a typical person of the same age in his or her community.
The SIS assessor will identify answers to these questions:
» What types of support would be needed for the individual to be successful?
» How frequently would the support be needed?
» How much support time would be needed cumulatively over a twenty-four hour period?
How will the SIS be used?
The results of the SIS can be used to design a person-centered plan that aims to meet the individual’s unique needs.
Results will be processed electronically. The individual/family/guardian and DDS service coordinator will receive hard copies of the report for individualized service planning.
The SIS report can be shared with providers as part of the Individual Support Plan (ISP) process. It can help the team to plan what supports would be needed for an individual’s success.
For additional information:
The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) is a registered trademark of the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD).
Last updated
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